
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Spain, the great storm / Gran tormenta en A Coruña / Treboada na Coruña

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Tower of Hercules at sunset / Torre de Hércules al atardecer / Torre de Hércules no solpor

Spain, the strong storm 

by E.V.Pita

 Gran tormenta en A Coruña 

por E.V.Pita

 Treboada na Coruña

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Millenium at sunset and the storm

El Millenium al atardecer y la tormenta

O Millenium ao solpor e a treboada

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Millenium at sunset and the storm 

El Millenium al atardecer y la tormenta

O Millenium ao solpor e a treboada

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Bay of Orzan at sunset / Atardecer en la bahía del Orzán / Solpor na bahía do Orzán

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Tower of Hercules at sunset / Torre de Hércules al atardecer / Torre de Hércules no solpor

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Tower of Hercules at sunset / Torre de Hércules al atardecer / Torre de Hércules no solpor

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Wild waves in the Bay of Orzan

Oleaje en la bahía del Orzán

Ondas ovelladas na baía do Orzán

Spain, the strong storm    by E.V.Pita  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/02/spain-strong-storm-gran-tormenta-en.html   Gran tormenta en A Coruña    por E.V.Pita
Wild waves in the Bay of Orzan

Oleaje en la bahía del Orzán

Ondas ovelladas na baía do Orzán

Author: E.V.Pita (2014)

Autor: E.V.Pita (2014)

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